Issues with DfT Concessionary Reimbursement Guidance

This paper was produced by Andrew Last, for pteg, between December 2013 and May 2014, and its purpose is two-fold: - To serve as a background resource for PTE officers by providing an overview of current reimbursement guidance and its genesis; - To identify and document a number of issues with the current DfT Concessionary reimbursement guidance, thereby supporting pteg, in lobbying for future changes to the guidance, and PTEs in their negotiations with operators. It is intended for this paper to be a live document, which will be updated as needed by the pteg Support Unit and Concessionary Travel group.
Download Annexes below:
Annex 1 DfT Reimbursement Guidance 2014-15
Annex 2 Review of Look up tables from Centro smartcard data
Annex 3 Review of look up tables for DfT CT reimbursement calculator
Annex 4 File note Principles of DfT Discount Factor Method
Annex 5 Average fare calculations for pteg and Manchester case study
Annex 6 Data on journey length distributions
Annex 7 Scotland-wide Older and disabled persons CT scheme report
Annex 8 Tyne and Wear CT scheme note